
I've been trying to develop a visual language for floments this month, the idea is that it almost tries to burst from its constraint. There's still some way to go but the visuals so far feel like we're going in the right direction


During the month of May, I travelled across Japan with my sketchbook and film camera. Starting in Tokyo, then making our way through Osaka and Kyoto, I tried to stay as far away from screens as possible. I had heard a lot about Japan, and often thought how amazing could a place be? I understand the sentiments now, I found there's plenty to learn from in ways I never expected.  


During the month of May, I travelled across Japan with my sketchbook and film camera. Starting in Tokyo, then making our way through Osaka and Kyoto, I tried to stay as far away from screens as possible. I had heard a lot about Japan, and often thought how amazing could a place be? I understand the sentiments now, I found there's plenty to learn from in ways I never expected.


It's been some time since I've visited the steps, I found these components drawings I did whilst designing the pavilion that brought me back though. It really was important at the time to articulate how easily put together (and taken apart) it could be.