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The pavilion is situated within an institution renowned for expanding opportunities, the steps exemplify the institution's commitment to fostering growth and contribution.


There was a lack of student engagement and utilisation of the campus, especially post-COVID. This initiative embraces the potential to redefine the campus experience.


A structure that subtly integrates into the university environment, serving as a reference point for the broader community. The pavilion's impact extends through active community involvement, adding layers of significance to its purpose. It is a canvas for collective creativity, a collaborative space where community members contribute through activity as much as they like, for it inherently belongs to them.


University of London


Strategy, Concept, Design, Coordination

GoodResource is a collection of assets that aim to ensure creatives can spend more time creating. Organised in a series of drops, it hopes to help creatives remain creative.


More time is spent thinking about portfolios than actually making portfolios, the brief was to take a profession which has yet universally adopt online portfolios and make it a standard.


A collection of resources. The first drop focussed on diverse portfolio templates, allowing designers to have somewhere to start, whilst maintaining full creative control over the final template feel and look. Most importantly, it aimed to alleviate the procrastination and angst that comes with compiling a portfolio.




Creative Director, Strategy, Concept, Product Design, Brand Design, Copy


Frdesign looks to provide access to free design resources to enthusiasts. There's a multitude of design courses that have to be paid for, that doesn't really feel right with me.


Provide access to free design resources for those who want to develop design skills. Then automate it on a platform that already has an audience.


A project that sweeps the internet for the best free design courses and shares them on Twitter hourly. As design lead, my responsibilities included Defining project scope and goals, researching and gathering information and refining the project to achieve goals.




Strategy, Concept, Product Design, Development

The beau class makes great art. The key was to take the unique texture and character and translate that into a digital marketplace and social character that felt like a beau class


Create a community that is unified by creation of characters.


The beau class is a series of art pieces that aimed to provide access to modern accessible art. Allowing users to create their own characters as part of a community that celebrates each character within it.


the beau class


Creative Director, Strategy, Concept, Product Design, Webflow Development

The beau class makes great art. The key was to take the unique texture and character and translate that into a digital marketplace and social character that felt like a beau class


Too minimise breaks in flow by providing playlists for my peers to work to.  


Design Sessions were created during my undergraduate degree. A pain point during our design sessions was that we couldn't agree on the music to listen to. Design sessions was a monthly drop of curated music choices that were made to reflect the mood and help keep creatives in the zone.


My peers who couldn't make up their minds


Art Direction, Music Curation, Concept, Product Design, Webflow Development

Art remains a fundamental part of my life, as an thinking process. This passion has led me to learn new ways to expand my medium; from sketching, painting and now digital painting.


Just make time to paint.


I've sold some, I've kept some and given a few away. What's important for me is that it remains a place where I continue to learn new ways to do old things.





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